7 Things You Should Know About Getting More Work Done In Less Time: A Blog About Busywork, How To Overcome Procrastination And More.

7 Things You Should Know About Getting More Work Done In Less Time: A Blog About Busywork, How To Overcome Procrastination And More.


Whether you’re at home or in the office, there are always things to do and not enough time to do them. It’s easy to fall victim to busywork, procrastination and other time-wasters—but here are some tips that can help you get more done in less time:

You Don’t Have To Be Perfect, You Just Have To Get Started.

One of the best ways to get started is to make a list of all the things you want to do, and then prioritize it by importance. If you have something else on your mind that’s not on the list, try adding it.

Next, take each item and make a plan for how you’d like to accomplish it. For example, if you’ve decided that one of your tasks is going through your email inbox (which was probably my most stressful task), here are some things I would recommend:

  • Make sure you have an unread count enabled in Gmail or Outlook
  • Set aside time for yourself every day instead of trying to tackle everything in one sitting at once
  • Try setting up filters so that emails from certain people don’t show up in your inbox anymore (I have a filter set up so that emails from my boss don’t show up). That way when I come back tomorrow I won’t feel as overwhelmed by seeing all these new messages waiting for me!

Busywork Is The Enemy Of Productivity.

The first step toward avoiding busywork is understanding what it is. Busywork is the stuff we do when we don’t know what else to do, or when we’re trying to distract ourselves from something that’s uncomfortable or difficult. It’s usually unproductive, and often redundant in nature—if you keep doing something over and over again because you think you have to, chances are good that there’s a more efficient way of doing it.

Busywork can take many forms: unnecessary meetings; repetitive tasks like updating spreadsheets; excessive email checking; worrying about things that haven’t happened yet instead of focusing on the steps required for getting them done (a problem known as “analysis paralysis”). Even if these activities sound productive at first glance, take time out of your day to consider whether they’re actually contributing anything meaningful toward your goals—and if not, cut them out!

The best way to avoid busywork is to plan ahead so there’s no need for it in the first place. When faced with an unavoidable situation where no amount of planning could help (such as attending a meeting), decide beforehand how much time or energy should be dedicated toward actually participating in said meeting versus simply being present as an observer (or even better: leave early).

Keeping Your Space Clean And Organized Can Help You Work Better.

While it may seem like a good idea to keep your work space as messy and cluttered as possible, this is actually not the case. A clean workspace can help you focus on your work because it allows you to see everything at once. It also leaves room for creativity, which is something that many people forget about when they’re stressed out and feeling overwhelmed by their workload.

Keeping things organized will give you more time in the day to do what matters most: working! And when you do have any free time left over from doing actual work, why not put it towards cleaning up? Organizing your closet will save you lots of time later, and if you ever want to make some extra cash on the side then there are plenty of sites like Fiverr that let people sell tasks like these for as low as $5!

Some Foods Make You More Alert, While Others Make You Tired Or Unfocused.

Some foods make you more alert, while others make you tired or unfocused.

  • Sugar and caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that can give you an energy boost. It can also lead to short-term increases in blood pressure and heart rate, so be careful if you’re sensitive to these effects. Sugar is another stimulant that gives a temporary increase in energy levels but eventually causes fatigue when it wears off (thus the “sugar crash”).
  • Protein: Protein helps build muscle mass, which burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates (sugar). It also helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps your brain focused on tasks at hand instead of dreaming up errands to run.
  • Fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are great for mental health as they play an important role in cell development and regeneration in the brain—particularly during childhood years when neural pathways are being established! They reduce inflammation throughout your body by blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines at inflammatory sites such as swollen joints or inflamed arteries brought on by high cholesterol levels due to unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking cigarettes or drinking beer every day after work before dinner time arrives—which usually happens sometime between 9pm – 10pm depending on how much milk has been drunk earlier during the day during lunchtime hours.

Use Your Calendar Wisely To Organize Your Time Most Effectively.

The most important thing to do is to use your calendar wisely. You need to schedule time for meetings, appointments and other important events. You also need to schedule time for yourself and your family, as well as relaxation and exercise.

A good way of doing this is by setting aside specific times in your day when you can work on each project or task. You should also set aside some time at the end of the day when you relax and unwind from all the hard work you did throughout the day.

Become An Expert At What You Do So That It Doesn’t Take As Much Time.

If you want to become an expert at something, there are three different ways to go about it:

  • Learn the basics and then practice. This is a good way to become an expert if you’re not already well-versed in what you want to learn. By learning all of the basics first, you’ll be able to understand how everything works and then get started on your project with confidence.
  • Learn from other people’s mistakes and successes. If there are any other people who have already done whatever it is that you’re trying to do and they’ve made mistakes while doing so or had success at times along the way, ask them for advice! They may not always have time or patience for this kind of thing but hopefully they’ll be willing enough at least once or twice so that they can help get some advice out there for others like yourself who might need it someday too someday soon down south somewhere near where my feet rest when I’m sleeping next door neighbors live close together but not quite close enough…?

Don’t Forget To Schedule Down Time For Yourself!

Taking a break is an important part of keeping your mind focused and productive. However, it can be easy to fall into the trap of feeling guilty about taking time off from work. When you’re not working, it’s easy to feel like you should be doing something productive instead.

That’s why it’s important to schedule down time. You need to make sure that you have some sort of non-work related activity scheduled for every single day so that your mind has time to rest and recharge itself before jumping back into another project or task list item on the next day. This will allow you not only avoid burnout but also give yourself a chance at getting more done by making sure that no matter what happens in your career journey (and there will always be something), whether it be good news or bad news, stressful deadlines or relaxed ones—you always have something planned where all of this can happen without having any negative impact on how effective our minds are when we get back home after being away from home all day long!

There Are A Number Of Ways To Maximize Your Effectiveness And Efficiency At Work Or School

  • Plan
  • Calendar
  • To-Do List
  • Checklist
  • To-Don’t List (if you’re a person who gets distracted easily)

You can also use an alarm clock to remind yourself of important tasks. For example, if your boss asked you to submit the report by 5pm, set the alarm for 4:55pm and then get started on the task at hand. Don’t waste time playing around with your phone or checking Facebook just before the deadline. If a task needs more than one hour to complete, break it down into smaller chunks so that it is easier to manage. And always avoid multitasking – it makes no sense whatsoever!


We hope these tips have helped you get more done in less time. If there’s one thing we know it’s that everyone is busy, but the key to staying productive and avoiding burnout is simple: keep your space organized, use your calendar wisely, be an expert at what you do so it doesn’t take as much time and don’t forget to schedule down time for yourself!


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Payomatix Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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