How To Choose The Right Taping Equipment While Packing For House Moving

How To Choose The Right Taping Equipment While Packing For House Moving

A strapping tape dispenser and strapping machine are inevitable equipment when you are moving home and particularly so when you are not hiring a specialist agency for packing and moving your home. Moving home is not the easiest of tasks for many of us and the process involves several weeks of planning ahead and a significant amount of physical work before and after the move. Families with growing children will need to find an appropriate school at the new location, secure admission, intimate the school in the current location, obtain transfer certificates and collect the connected records etc. Another important part of relocation is physically taking stock of your home at the new location, take photographs if need be and determining what belongings should move to the new location and stuff that should be disposed of at the present location. For instance, your refrigerator has served you for several years now and getting a new one has always been on the cards. It may be sensible to dispose of the old one at the present location and buy a replacement at the location. Packing delicate belongings like a refrigerator or Television can be expensive and risky when you are doing it without professional help.  The same rule applies to many other belongings depending on the age of the items and how well they fit into your new home. Check out the approach to the new home and the dimension of different doors to understand if all your belongings can easily be moved in.

Make A List Of Belongings You May Want To Dispose Of

Ahead of getting a strapping machine and strapping tape dispenser, ideally you should make a list of belongings that can be disposed off rather than moved to your new home. This will save you a significant amount of time, money and effort. Initially, just make out the list and review it with the members of your family. Pool in the opinion of all the members of your household, before making a final list and once the final list is ready, you can find ways of disposing of them. Remember to ensure that all those items move out physically only a day or two before the moving truck arrives since you may still need them at the present location.

Importance Of Strapping Tape Dispenser And Strapping Machine

Right tooling makes every job more comfortable and quicker. Even when you are moving your home without involving the packaging professionals, you do want every item of the household to reach the new location in one piece. This means not just proper packing but also securing those packages to take on the stress of moving several hundred miles on public highways. Efficient strapping of all packages is one way you can ensure secure and safe transportation.  Handheld strapping machine and strapping tape dispenser is just a small investment when you consider the overall cost of relocation and the valuable belongings you have. But, the convenience and ease that these tools bring are significant.

Choosing The Tapes

Strapping tapes are made for varying applications and for domestic use like in the case of moving your home, choosing the right kind of strapping tape is simple and polyester or other variants of plastics tapes are adequate for you. In some markets you may also see tapes made of reprocessed plastic but you are better off choosing tapes made of virgin plastic. Reprocessed plastic means that the plastic has already been used in one form or the other and therefore tends to lose the required tensile strength for packing a mix of household items. Nevertheless these tapes can be useful for businesses that pack lightweight boxes that travel short distances. Different grades of virgin plastic tapes are designed for application in a variety of industries though you need not worry about that in the context of moving your home.

Paper Tapes

Apart from the plastic tapes, paper tapes that are gummed can also be conveniently employed to secure many of your belongings. For instance, you can simply wrap around these paper tapes to a small bundle of books etc for further packing into boxes. Paper tapes do not require a tape dispenser or a strapping machine and you can complete the entire operation with your hands alone. Once you wet these tapes with water and apply it to an appropriate surface, they remain strong and secure till you open them at the new location.

Gummed paper tapes are also preferred in many packaging operations because it is an easy way to prevent thefts.  The sealing achieved by paper tapes is superior and thieves have to leave telltale signs if they attempt to pilfer the contents. Conversely, when plastic tapes are used, it is pretty much easier to merely press the carton and pick the contents through the resulting gap, leaving no signs of pilferage.  The gummed tapes are significantly strong and durable when they are attached to the surface of paper cartons.

Handheld Strapping Machines

Handheld strapping machines are portable small devices that work very differently compared to the larger machines. These small handheld devices are simple to work with easy to handle and lightweight. You simply have to put the strap around the package and insert into the machine for automatic tightening, tensioning and sealing of the strap in a singular smooth motion. As a handheld machine you can use the machine horizontally or vertically and the strength of the tension can be set on the machine itself. A rechargeable battery powers the machine and it takes about 40 minutes for fully charging up the machine. With a full charge you can apply up to 440 straps which are generally adequate for most home moving tasks.

Strapping Tape Dispenser

If you have too many packages to be taped before they are put into the moving truck, you can find a strapping tape dispenser. The advantage with this small device is that you will have easy access to the tape roll and you can simply pull the tape and wrap it around the package. Most of these devices have a cutter attached making it even more convenient to cut off the tape once the desired length has been drawn and wrapped around the package. Although there are more sophisticated and even automated strapping tape dispensers, these are not necessary for a home moving task.

Now that you have understood how strapping machines and strapping dispensers can help with your relocation task, let us look at some important house moving tips also.

Moving is an overwhelming and stressful exercise and packing up a whole house is at the root of most of the stress. At first sight, it could seem to be an impossible task, but when you break it into smaller components the job becomes significantly more manageable. The first step to moving home getting yourself organized and plan the details. After all, you expect all your belongings to reach the new destination in a spotless state. Get a list of packing essentials ready and buy the right moving and packing supplies.

Generally, the moving boxes are similar to shipping boxes and come with the same quality and weight, unless you opt for thicker cardboard for heavy packing. One question that comes up though is whether you should buy new boxes or once used boxes from a grocery store or a friend who has just moved into your locality.

Reusing packing boxes help reduce waste and at the same time save you precious dollars. Therefore, used boxes essentially constitute a viable option though you should know where and how to find them and perhaps even get those boxes free of cost. For your friend, who just moved in, these boxes are waste and he will be happy if you are taking them away and might even offer you a cup of tea for your help.

Before you start packing, it is important that you know what needs packing, things you would discard and things that need specialized packing.  Certain things will not be accepted by moving companies if they are not packed properly.

Before you start the process of relocation, prepare a box containing essential needed for the final days before the move and the initial days in your new home. Another important consideration is whether you should hire a professional for packing or take on the task yourself. If you take the DIY route, you will, of course, save money. Packing will generate plenty of dust around your home and therefore if one or more members of your household are allergic to dust, you may perhaps prefer hiring a professional than inviting a health hazard.


Planning ahead, organizing yourself, and, plenty of patience are the key ingredients of a smooth and comfortable move.