Are you interested in improving your marketing skills but are unable to commit yourself to a full-time higher-education program, whether for financial or schedule limitations and obligations? You’re not alone, and it’s worth knowing that there are programs available just for you. There are countless digital marketing programs available to nearly every citizen throughout the U.S., but there are a few that stand out among the rest of the crowd. Here are 9 of the most renowned digital marketing programs, all of which allow you to extend your digital marketing expertise.
University of Vermont
The University of Vermont offers a Digital Marketing Fundamentals Certificate that is ranked as one of the best online marketing degrees currently available. Taught by marketing professionals with an incredible amount of industry experience, participating students learn the finer details about digital marketing, particularly how to create and implement marketing schemes. The best part about this course is that it is welcoming to everyone, whether they’re brand new to marketing or a long-time veteran needing a refresher for the modern age.
Delivered online, the course looks through a number of different topics, from search engine optimization (SEO) to customer relationship management (CRM) email marketing, from affiliate marketing strategies to marketing to social media platforms.
University of San Diego
The University of San Diego offers a Strategic Online Marketing Certificate program created with all business-minded individuals in mind. Whether you’re a marketer or small business owner, you can benefit from taking this course, receiving insider information to improve your aptitude when dealing with digital marketing plans.
You must take eight core courses and complete the course with a GPA of above 2.4 or higher to successfully earn your certificate. Courses provided include some of the following: SEO and site optimization principles; email and video marketing; content marketing; and web analytics.
University of California, Irvine
UC-Irvine has recently created a Digital Marketing Certificate Program designed for marketing professionals looking to improve the digital marketing campaigns of their company. Moreover, the program can be incredibly useful for marketers looking to reinvigorate their careers, becoming more aware of market shifts taking over the industry.
Strategies and courses involved in the certificate program include an overview of digital marketing, social media auditing, planning and developing search engine marketing (SEM) strategies, and much more. Elective, more niche courses involve the basics of mobile, video, and content marketing.
University of Illinois
The University of Illinois’ Digital Marketing certificate is a vast program that offers niche courses, with interactive projects, for involved students. Students are able to work directly with staff to study past marketing campaigns, which can be collected to influence future marketing decision making. Some impressive courses offered by the University of Illinois in the past include:
- Digital Analytics for Marketing
- Frameworks for Measuring Digital Campaigns
- Why You Need a Digital Strategy
- Pitching Your Digital Strategy
- Digital Marketing Case Studies
University of Denver
The University of Denver has created a Certificate in Marketing Communication, which—during the course—teaches students the ways in which a digital marketing campaign can be created, and how to improve existing campaigns to improve results. University of Denver staff hopes that students will be able to effectively put their education into action once receiving their certification. Within this course, students will learn the basics about crafting a marketing strategy, how to position a brand within the market, and communicating with customers across the digital space.
Duke Continuing Studies
Duke’s Continuing Studies program can be delivered to any interested student older than 18 years of age. Provided entirely online through streaming videos, students will hear from well-known marketing authors and professionals, allowing for participants to learn from the absolute best. Participants will move through a number of excellent courses, all of which will work toward empowering students with in-depth marketing information. Courses include:
- Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Management
- Mobile Marketing Strategy
- Pay Per Click Advertising
- Affiliate Conversion Optimization
Oregon State University
An online program designed for marketing and communications professionals, Oregon State University’s Digital Marketing Certification Program is as detailed as it can get. Participants get a first-hand look, from industry leaders, how to enhance Google search results, how to leverage social media, and how to improve Google Analytics skills.
Over five to seven weeks, students will take courses on digital brand strategies, digital content strategies, SEO and SEM, business-to-business (B2B) marketing, and social media and mobile marketing.
Rutgers University
Rutgers is well known for its online educational platform, and there are a number of different marketing degrees that can be earned digitally. Students have two primary options to choose from when it comes to online marketing certifications: a Mini-MBA in digital marketing and a Digital Marketing Certificate program.
Students participating in the courses will be placed in an interactive setting that allows them to explore the digital marketing space. The course is split into ten modules, each lasting 3.5 hours, which teach the finer details of digital marketing strategies, analytics, and planning. Such modules include:
- Techniques for growing your search engine rankings and managing paid search campaigns
- Popular digital marketing tactics throughout the online sales funnel
- 26 key measurements to mastering web analytics, as well as how to construct key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business needs
- How to manage organizational change to improve digital marketing
- Ways in which digital innovation will change the future of marketing
University of Notre Dame
In conjunction with Rutgers University, The University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business offers a Digital Marketing Certificate Program designed for people across all marketing spaces, from advertising to communications, from sales to IT experts.
Similar to the Rutgers program, students learn the knowledge required to develop a working digital marketing strategy, along with the ways that strategy can be analyzed and fine-tuned as the market shifts. Taught by industry professionals, students will gain first-hand experience in courses such as:
- Mobile & Marketing innovation
- Social media marketing
- User Experience
- Online Customer Conversion
- Web Analytics
If you’re feeling stagnant in your current position, there are 9 good choices for learning about digital marketing from your home.